New law makes public the number of PEP assigned to each park

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BPC PEP found in The BatteryOctober 19, 2015- BatteryPark.TV has been the only source to expose problem of park enforcement patrol (PEP), funded by your PILOT and facility fees, not showing up for patrol of our own parks. Instead, they have been reassigned to lesser funded parks.

In the news today is a new city law that would make public the amount spent on each park, and the number of PEP assigned. DNAinfo reports, “The Parks Department must report how much it spends on upkeep of every city park under a new law.

Starting in December, the department will have to submit an annual report that breaks down how much it spent on maintenance for each park, how many workers were assigned to each location and how many hours they worked

The aim for the new bill is to increase transparency of how Parks Department funds are spent across the city.”

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