Glenn Plaskin sued for intimidating plaintiffs in class action filed against LeFrak’s Gateway Plaza

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Glen Plaskin 12-12-2015September 27, 2016- A class action was filed against Gateway plaza for breaching the warrant of habitability.

Click here for the brief gateway-class-action-nys-cease-and-desist-mtn

It seems that our old friend, Glenn Plaskin, the crony of Sheldon Silver who gets a palatial apartment at below-market rates, is acting as a surrogate thug for LeFrak’s Gateway Plaza. the lawsuit states:

” But a dangerous pattern has emerged. One by one, numerous Plaintiffs and potential Plaintiffs — including Barbara Stoebel, David Spencer, and Pauline Wolf — have dropped out of the case. Most recently, just days after enlisting as a party Plaintiff, putative class plaintiff Ninfa Segarra has informed Counsel that she was contacted by Glenn Plaskin, the President of Gateway Plaza’s Tenant’s Association. According to Ms. Segarra, Mr. Plaskin found out she was a proposed plaintiff and then tracked her down and threatened her that her lease would not be renewed if she participated in this lawsuit.

Plaintiffs believe Mr. Plaskiq is acting as Defendants’ surrogate to intimidate tenant members of the putative class who either assist or are involved in this action.

Defendants’ and Mr. Plaskin’s conduct violates N.Y. Real Property L. §§ 223-b and 235, undermines the Court’s authority and its ability to manage the action, and interferes with the tenants’ substantive rights under Real Property L. § 235-b as well as their right of access to the courts to seek redress for their grievances.

In order to preserve the integrity of the litigation, swift and decisive action is needed. Inparticular, the Court should:

(a) Issue a cease and desist order and/or other injunction to restrain Defendants and their agents and surrogates from communicating with Plaintiffs and other class members on the subject of this litigation, and require Defendants to serve the order on Mr. Plaskin;

(b) Prohibit Defendants from discriminating or retaliating against Plaintiffs or class members in any fashion, including by evicting tenants who participate in the case or by tenninating or refusing to renew their leases;

(c) Issue a corrective notice to all class members at Defendants’ expense, informing the tenant class that no one may threaten, intimidate, or otherwise target them for participating in this action and that any such retaliation or harassment is unlawful and will invite heavy sanctions from the Court;

(d) Authorize Plaintiffs to conduct discovery regarding Defendants’ and Mr. Plaskin’s actions and, thereafter, to amend their Complaint to assert additional causes of action, including retaliation, against both Defendants and Mr. Plaskin;

(e) Grant further sanctions as the Court deems appropriate.”

Glenn Plaskin’s palatial warm apartment costs what?

Letter: The Gateway Plaza Tenants’ Association is run by Le Frak cronies

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The BPCA needs to force LeFrak to upgrade Gateway’s windows and facade


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4 Responses to Glenn Plaskin sued for intimidating plaintiffs in class action filed against LeFrak’s Gateway Plaza

  1. reba catron says:

    First, glad I found you again…

    Just an FYI, Barbara Stoebel was my neighbor and moved out of Gateway over 2 years ago to care for her sick mother. I do not know the other two people you mentioned.

  2. Editor says:

    Divorcecoach makes a good point. Do not be afraid to call 311 and make complaints about your apartment. It is your best protection under the anti retaliation law of RPL 223-b

  3. JMW says:

    Do you have any info on the prior federal case (case number etc)?

  4. divorcecoach says:

    Gateway does not fall under the rent stabilization laws. There was a special deal cut that allowed Gateway to mimic the rent increases but it is not specifically under rent stabilization.

    I have often thought with the millions in tax subsidies that Gateway receives, WHY are they permitted to be outside stabilization?

    Additionally, there was a previous stipulation under a federal lawsuit, in which Gateway/LeFrak promised to repair the very things that are complained about now. Obviously, these items were not repaired.

    I would think the law firm in addition to a breach of this agreement, should also be looking into the issue of this tax break vs no stabilization.

    File violations with 311..insist they come down to inspect…should you lease NOT be renewed……that’s retaliation.

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