Clerk of courts has Citi Bike rack blocked because it would remove private parking space

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101513PlazaHotel_gnm08.jpgMarch 16, 2014- The Post reports that a new Citi Bike rack installation was blocked when it became apparent it would eliminate a private parking space for a judge. The article states, “Susanna Rojas, the clerk of the court, “threw a tantrum” when she saw “No Parking” signs indicating the station would be placed just outside the courthouse doors, an insider told The Post. The station would displace prime parking for Presiding Justice Luis Gonzalez — who has his space blocked off daily with orange cones by a court officer — and other workers. Rojas ordered court officers to take down the Department of Transportation’s “No Parking” signs, the insider said. Then signs went up again across 25th Street from the courthouse. Meanwhile, Citi Bike’s twitter feed announced the relocation of a station at 24th Street and Park Avenue to 25th Street and Madison Avenue, the main entrance to the courthouse. The tweet said the station would be in place by last Tuesday. But that day, a new tweet announced, “Correction: We will NOT be moving the station at 25th and Madison today. We will ­update when this move is rescheduled.” Court officials wielded their influence to block the bikes, calling Chief Judge Jonathan Lippman in ­Albany and the city Law Department, the insider said.”

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