Construction problems at Conrad hotel retail spaces still plague business owners 12-months later

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Update December 2, 2012

After a year of no action, the malfunctioning entrance door to Beans&Greens was repaired. BP.TV gets results.

November 28, 2012 By Steven E. Greer

The newly renovated Conrad Hotel space, and the retail locations on the sidewalk level and in Goldman Sachs alley, were built by the KPF construction firm. 12-months later, serious construction problems remain unsolved and helpless business owners have been unable to get results.

The external automated awnings that shaded the sun from the sidewalk diners at North End Grill, Blue Smoke, and the rooftop bar of the hotel, have all been deactivated after a section of the awning fell down during a storm. The design was flawed from the beginning. Numerous managers have complained about the awnings from day one.

A more serious problem is the poorly made doors. The glass doors to Battery Place Market, Beans&Greens, North End Grill, and Francois Payard, all stick. The worst of them is at Beans&Greens. Routinely, people below a certain size and strength are turned away when they cannot open the door.

Goldman Sachs owns the properties and chose KPF to build the site. The most expensive AAA union labor was used, yet the quality of work was shoddy.

BatteryPark.TV tried to communicate with the CEO of KPF construction and also with Goldman Sachs, but received no reply. If readers experience any problems interacting with the businesses mentioned due to faulty doors, you can contact KPF at

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New York, NY 10036
212 977 6500

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