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March 20, 2018- by Steven E. Greer, MD
I am starting to realize something. The specific method of choice these days for corrupt Democrat politicians to funnel money into their personal bank accounts is to use a spouse and establish bogus non-profit or campaign bank accounts. More and more, Democrats are using marriage as a perverse way to gain wealth and power. Republicans are corrupt as well, of course, but the marriage RICO scam seems unique to Democrats.
Using marriage as a way to gain power was perfected by Bill and Hillary Clinton. Their marriage has always been a fraud, with Bill philandering and Hillary rumored to be gay. Hillary tolerated the abuse and humiliation while Bill was president because it allowed her to stay in power running for senate and president. Then, when she was Secretary of State, The Clinton Global Initiative, a bogus non-profit, was raking in hundreds of millions of dollars from foreign government donors who happened to benefit from actions by Hillary’s State Department.
In the news now is the firing of FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe. He and his wife are another example of Democrat marriage fraud. McCabe’s medical doctor wife was running for a state senate in Virginia in 2015. The campaign funding for a small race like that is usually on the order of $100,000. But Terry McAuliffe, the Democrat Virginia governor at the time, and former Clinton campaign chief as well as former head of the Democratic National Committee, “donated” $700,000 to McCabe’s wife’s campaign bank accounts.
Why was Terry McAuliffe, a man heavily vested in the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign, so generous to the McCabe’s? It turns out that Andrew McCabe was personally overseeing the investigation into the misuse of confidential emails by Hillary while she was Secretary of State.
CBS News reported, “Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe’s political action committee donated nearly $500,000 to the election campaign of Dr. Jill McCabe–the wife of an FBI official who helped oversee the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server while secretary of state, the Wall Street Journal first reported.
And the Virginia Democratic Party, a group over which the governor has considerable influence, contributed an additional $207,778 in the form of mailers, the campaign finance records indicate. The WSJ noted that this put donations from entities directly under McAuliffe or influenced by him at nearly $700,000, which was about a third of McCabe’s total campaign fundraising efforts. McAuliffe also reportedly recruited McCabe for the race.”
Campaign funds can easily be diverted to personal use. Travel, living expenses, and even personal loans can all be made using “campaign funds”. Therefore, the $700,000 given to the McCacbe’s should be considered to have benefited the McCabe household. Given the fact that Andrew McCabe was investigated by the FBI’s Inspector General and subsequently fired, and that McCabe managed to shut down the Hillary email investigation before the election, the $700,000 should be investigated by federal prosecutors for possibly being nothing but a bribe from the Hillary Clinton camp to silence the FBI. It was all made possible by marriage fraud and using a spouse as a decoy for money laundering.
The Mayor of New York, Bill de Blasio, has similar relationship set up where his wife has bogus non-profits that receive money. He was investigated by the U.S. Attorney and people affiliated with the mayor were tried and convicted, but the mayor escaped charges.
When Bill Clinton was president, de Blasio ran HUD for the Tri-State area. The Clintons were instrumental in making de Blasio mayor. Bill Clinton swore him into office. Every money laundering scheme used by Mayor de Blasio and his wife Chirlane McCary has been copied from the Clinton playbook.
California congresswoman Maxine Waters was investigated in 2012 for funneling $12 million in federal bank bailout money to a bank in which her husband owned significant equity. There are many other examples in congress.
Using the “power couple” marriage fraud scheme to harness wealth by funneling “campaign donations” and “grants” into a spouse’s bank accounts is a Democratic modus operandi perfected by the Clintons. These politicians do not get married for love or children. They cynically use the institution as a way to dodge prosecutors. The marriages are often calculated and arranged in law school. The Clintons prospered with their Clinton Global Initiative and set the precedent for Democrats all over the country.
However, this same weapon can be used against them. A sitting Republican president, such as Trump, or a Republican governor, could use the Department of Justice to prosecute these cases of marriage RICO fraud. There should be arrest after arrest of people like Andrew McCabe and his wife, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Mayor de Blasio and his wife, etc. A Republican POTUS could strangle the Democrats by cutting off their flow of laundered money, and it would be a politically popular move.

Update April 19, 2018- The Inspector General of the DOJ sent a criminal referral to the Attorney General recommending that McCabe be prosecuted. Separately, 11 members of congress sent their own criminal referral to the DOJ listing Loretta Lynch, Hillary Clinton, McCabe, and others to be prosecuted.
Update August 20, 2018- The latest example of this Democrat strategy to use a spouse to cash in on one’s federal position is disgraced FBI agent Bruce Ohr. He was having his FBI pay his wife’s (Nellie Ohr) opposition research company, Fusion GPS, to develop what is now known as the “Steele Dossier” on then candidate Trump.
(This is the infamously inaccurate report produced by British spy Steele claiming Donald Trump liked to watch Russian prostitutes urinate, etc. That report became important when it was used as the sole evidence upon which a FISA warrant was granted by a federal judge. That warrant allowed the spy agencies to then snoop on the Trump presidential campaign, which led to two-years of bogus “Russian collusion” accusations and the Robert Mueller investigation.)
Update July 9, 2020- Case in point, video above
Update August 20, 2022- CDC Director Walensky’s Husband Received $20 Million in HHS Grants – and That’s Just the Start of It
Update September 29, 2022-
- Dr. Fauci and wife’s wealth ‘skyrocketed’ by $5 million during pandemic
- Hannah Klain is now working for @GovKathyHochul Klain’s father is @RonaldKlain who is Chief of Staff to @POTUS
Update September 29, 2022-
- Max Boot, Leading ‘Trump Russia Hoax’ Propagandist’s Wife Indicted As Foreign Spy
Update October 15, 2024-
- A long list of Democrats who use their spouses or nepotism for corruption
Good one. Don’t forget Pelosi and her husband. And Diane Feinstein
These people just get drunk on money and power. You wonder do they ever take walks in the woods and listen to birds and admire nature?