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October 8, 2015- by Steven E. Greer
BatteryPark.TV has been the only source to report on the unacceptable conditions and quality of food at Gristedes South. Now, the location is being shopped around by two real estate firms, according to a local adverting flier.
Gristedes South should be closed down immediately
100% of survey responders want Gristedes replaced
DowntownExpress posts obvious infomercial for Gristedes as a real story
Letter: I bought food from Gristedes with mold all over it
The best news for BPC since making it through hurricane Sandy unscathed!!
I wonder of it has to do with that new retail scenario (extending stores under the canopy on the west side if South end from Albany onwards) expanding the commercial space so the BPC can get more PILOT.
Truly, a reason to celebrate!
Any idea on what the backstory is with Food Emporium in Tribeca closing?