Election result for PS 276 School Leadership Team

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July 18, 2013- By Steven E. Greer, MD

New York State law mandates that public schools have School Leadership Teams, or SLT’s, comprised of teachers and parents. The positions are two-year terms. PS 276 hosted their election in June.

Three spots were open for election. The incumbents were Matt Schneider, Matthew Fenton, and Ranjit Arpels-Josiah. Mr. Fenton was recently elected when no one else volunteered to fill a vacant position last year, and was nominated by Tammy Meltzer.

The winners of the SLT election in June were incumbent Arpels-Josiah, and new members Caroline Park and Cristina Shapiro. Mr. Fenton lost his bid for the Middle School position, as well as the second position that opened when Mr. Schneider decided not to run for re-election.

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