Exclusive: CBS News brings back Payola

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Licht Mason CBSDecember 5, 2015- by Steven E. Greer

The Saturday version of CBS This Morning, hosted by music connoisseur Anthony Mason, has a nice segment where they feature rising stars in music to play live in the studio, much like the late night talk shows. Or so we thought. We have exclusively learned that there is a big difference between the CBS morning show music productions and other shows.

Unlike the late night shows, the bands who appear on CBS’s Saturday morning show have to pay “production fees” in order to be on. This smacks of the Payola scandal in the 1950’s and 1960’s.

One member of a critically acclaimed band, who was invited to be on the CBS This Morning Show, but who then declined because they were asked to pay “production fees”, told us, “CBS Saturday Morning? Yes they asked (us) to do the show but they wanted thousands of dollars in “production” contribution! Major labels do that but (we) can’t. I have to say that’s the first time I’ve encountered that kind of “pay to play”. The late night shows certainly don’t make that kind of demand.”.

We confronted the host of the show, Anthony Mason, via Twitter:

@THEHCC: Fact: bands pay to be on Saturday’s @CBSThisMorning sleazy pay-to-play by @ChrisLicht @AnthonyMasonCBS

@AnthonyMason: They pay productions costs. They do NOT pay to play, Healthcare. And there’s nothing “sleazy” about it.

@THEHCC: Late night shows do not do this, your show is not news, it is a venue for publicists and The White House

@THEHCC: And I am not blaming you personally. Your producers are the worst.

@AnthonyMason: sorry, Healthcare, you’re flat out wrong. Our music is ruthlessly curated. You’d be amazed who we turn down.

@THEHCC: Curated, euphemism for selecting bands dumb enough to pay you to be on your show, same with the chefs too BTW

@AnthonyMason: don’t mix apples & oranges. No act has ever bought their way on our show. EVER!

@THEHCC: OK, have you ever wanted a band to come on who then declined bc of the pay-to-play? The answer is “Yes”, gotcha

@AnthonyMason: Aw, Healthcare, get some facts before you spread junk on Twitter. You disappoint me.

@THEHCC: Don’t smear me. I’ll sue you for defamation. I have the facts, and you just admitted to them as well. @ChrisLicht has to go

@AnthonyMason: who’s smearing who, Healthcare. I think you’re confused (again)

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