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Update April 14, 2015- The sign is up and they will open in early May.
(4,000 people have viewed this story as of April 14, 2015)
Update April 7, 2015- Chipotle got the vote from CB1 for the liquor license. They said that they will open in the first week of May.
Update March 29, 2015- Chipotle is presenting to the CB1 on April 7th, asking for a liquor license. The construction is slowly moving along.
Update March 4, 2015- Chipotle is hiring employees now. El Vez and Dos Toros will have competition.
March 14, 2014- The old cleaners, now closed down, next to the drug store and Gristedes, has paper on the window. Multiple sources told us that a Chipotle restaurant is going in. We then confirmed the story with our own sources at the corroborate level.
Gristedes to be inspected by the state again
Chipotle?! Ugh. The last thing this area needs is another Mexican-type joint – and a fast food version at that.
What BPC sorely lacks is a nice bistro/brasserie or cafe like Maison Kaiser on the Upper East Side. Good food, great bakery and the best French baguettes in the city.
Something like Cafe Cluny in the West Village would be nice too.
To BPC Homewoner
I disagree.
First, “Le District”, a humongous French themed Eataly-like place will be a few hundred yards away, if you want French.
Secondly, Chipotle is high quality and not Burger King. Thirdly, it is all relative.
Simply the fact that a chain is willing to move into this strip of dog sewer is good news. They will likely put a stop to the dog owners letting their dogs urinate on the sidewalk.
I’m just happy to get more food options.
I still question the thought process of adding a second Pick A Bagel when there’s a superior one closer to the WFC. It’s like someone putting a second Gristedes when there’s another one a couple blocks away… …..yeah.
I agree w/ editor. Chipotle isnt your standard fast food joint. Has a nice aesthetic and healthy great food.
To Jeremy
This disgusting Pick-A-Bagel is a Plan B for the owner after his Izzy and Nats failed. This owner is phoning it in and needs to be evicted, in my opinion.
Excellent news!
I was hoping for a butcher and fresh fish option – unrelated to Gristides that would probably sell half dead carcass. I will take Chipolte. It is relatively healthy and hopefully will not lower it’s standards to fit into the neighborhood.
To Karen
Yes, A custom high quality meat shop woudl make a killing, pardon the pun. Maybe Brookfield shops will have this.
We even may have more dry cleaners than quality food options in BPC!
Would never want a butcher shop anywhere near here. Living over the stench of death and blood and nasty flesh??!! No thanks. Happy being a fit vegan.
Nothing like being sound asleep at 5:00am (Monday 4/13) in the morning and then listening to hammering and power tools for the delivery of all their stuff…thank you new neighbor! that’s a way to make an impression.
One other “cafe-type” option is Le Pain Quotidien.