Exclusive: Robert Serpico allegedly crossed the line from mere inappropriate harassment to physical touching and sex with BPCA employees

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Robert Serpico 8-20-2013October 22, 2014- By Steven E. Greer

BatteryPark.TV has previously reported on the thick human resource file of sexual harassment complaints against the CFO of the BPCA, Robert Serpico. In the past, he has blast emailed sexually inappropriate cartoons to the staff, mishandled complaints brought to him about sexual harassment, then orchestrated the firing of two African American in-house lawyers after they investigated, and pushed out the young woman making the harassment complaints. Now, we have learned that he has crossed the line into physical groping and even full intercourse with BPCA female staff.

Multiple reliable sources have told BP.TV that Mr. Serpico has touched, fondled, and rubbed against the female staff. One woman, Wilson Kimball, while Mr. Serpico was “pushing up behind her”, threatened to break his arm if he continued, sources told us.

Mr. Serpico has multiple female assistants who sit in adjoining cubicles. He has been witnessed making very inappropriate comments about Viagra and the effect it has, for example. The women reply with nervous laughter.

However, the most serious violation of the BPCA human resource code, and perhaps a criminal sex crime, has been Mr. Serpico’s alleged sexual relationship with one of his female assistants, whose name we will keep anonymous for her protection.

The relationship has not been always a mutual consensual one given that she filed a compliant to a state ethics department (we were told it was the EEOC but cannot confirm that). Somehow, the woman dropped the complaint against Mr, Serpico, sources told us. The employee still works at the BPCA and is reportedly in fear of Mr. Serpico.

After the series of inappropriate emails were sent, Mr. Serpico was ordered to undergo sexual harassment training. It clearway was ineffective.

The BPCA and Robert Serpico avoided our calls and questions.

Currently across the country, sexual relationships and rape are being redefined. The NYT wrote, “Last month it was California, this month New York. States across the country are trying to figure out how to address the problem of sexual assault more effectively, and more often than not, they are looking to redefine the scope of sexual misconduct. California’s new law requires universities receiving state funding to switch from a “no means no” approach to a “yes means yes” standard, requiring partners to make an “affirmative, unambiguous and conscious decision” before having sex, and making clear that silence or a lack of resistance cannot be interpreted as consent. Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo of New York announced that the State University of New York would similarly define consent as an affirmative act on all its campuses, one that requires “clear, knowing and voluntary” participation.”.

The Battery Park City Authority and Robert Serpico are directly controlled by Governor Cuomo’s staff. His office has numerous complaints about Mr. Serpico, but nothing has been done to deal with the problems. The whistleblowers have been ignored.

We called Alphonso David, the man who runs the governor’s civil rights office, and the man who received the office complaint from BPCA whistleblower Kirk Swanson. No one from Mr. David’s office would take our calls.

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