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September 18, 2024- by Steven Greer
My source in Springfield, Ohio, Jon Slark (who might run for mayor), has informed me that the number of serious car crashes caused by Haitians per day is around six. Today, he personally witnessed two withing an hour.
They are getting driver’s licenses wit the help of the deep state. They have Creole “interpreters” taking the written tests and no driving exam is needed.
I noticed that they all have new SUVs. How? I called a big auto-mall and they are indeed buying new cars. How?
September 19, 2024- Haitians causing serious car crashes in Springfield, Ohio
September 19, 2024- The Springfield, Ohio BMV is illegally issuing driver’s licenses to Haitians
After bad press, Ohio puts a stop to the Haitian car crashes in Springfield
November 5, 2024-
I have an interesting scoop. I just got off the phone with my friend in Springfield, Ohio.
When Trump made Springfield news during the debate, the international news flock to the city to cover the story. Recall, these Haitians are such bad drivers that they’re six major accidents every single day. I’ve seen this with my own eyes.
The DMV was giving them drivers licenses illegally without any training and so forth. They were getting cars handed to them by the local dealership.
Well, I just learned that, because of the news attention, all of a sudden the automobile accidents went away. The whole issue of Haitians just disappeared.
We were wondering how they could do that. I suppose they could first start by ending the process of giving out drivers licenses. I wonder if they also repossessed the cars or something.
For several years, there was an epidemic of major car accidents every day and it suddenly stopped.