NYC is no better prepared for a big hurricane now than in 2012

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Seaport museum floodedOctober 2, 2015- by Steven E. Greer

The brewing Hurricane Joaquin in the Caribbean is causing the feckless leaders to overreact and sound the alarms. We are seeing the MTA’s response Downtown. It consists of old fashioned sandbags and barriers to subway entrances. None of this would help if we got another flood.

Where are the fancy new inflatable tubes to clog up the subway portals? Where are similar inflatable tunes to surround buildings and protect from flooding? Where is a better seawall?

Three years have gone by and the state and city have done nothing but “study” the problem.

The only difference between now and 2012 is the even greater overreaction by the government. Despite Hurricane Joaquin having a small chance of hitting land, and being stalled over the Bahamas, Governor Christie issued a state of emergency. Brilliant.

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