Greer wins again: Greer v Cunix Auto Group. 23CV007758 Franklin County, Ohio

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November 9, 2023- by pro se litigator Steven E. Greer

Boom. ParaLawyer Steve wins again.

An exotic car dealership in Ohio vastly overcharged me for $18,000 last year, I alleged. I had hired my very good Ohio lawyer back in April to send a letter. The dealership did not even bother to reply. So, I then took matters into my own hands about a month ago.

I filed a complaint Greer v Cunix Auto Group. 23CV007758 Franklin County, Ohio Common Pleas (see here). My complaint was well-written (i.e., far better than what I see most lawyers do) and convincing. I was asking for $100,000 using the CSPA (which allows for treble damages and other fines).

Today, they settled for the actual damages plus my cost to file the complaint.


December 1, 2023-

The money is in my bank only 5-days after the settlement was signed. That is unusual.


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