The crime problem in Teardrop Park worsens

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Update May 8, 2013- A the May 7th CB1 BPC meeting, the main topic was lack of PEP presence in Teardrop Park, and the increase in petty crimes. However, more serious larceny, such as snatch and grab of iPads, is taking place in nearby Rockefeller Park, so residents should not laugh off the trends seen in Teardrop.

teardrop-park-1April 2, 2013 By Steven Greer

At the CB1 BPC meeting tonight, during “new business”, it was revealed that Tear Drop Park is the source of some brewing crime problems. CB1 member Dennis Gault mentioned that more dog owners are letting the pets urinate and run free on the grass, while no Park Enforcement Patrol (PEP) seem to be on site. CB1 member Tammy Meltzer spoke and said that the PEP could be more anticipatory of patterns of the dog owners to predict the hot spot times when violations are most likely to happen. (BatteryPark.TV has encourage PEP Captain Ed Falcon to do this).

In other news, Mr. Gault mentioned two recent episodes of arson. Someone set a mattress on fire beneath the children’s slide in the park. Another case of fire setting involved a smaller item.

The Battery Park City Authority board recently voted to renew the contract with the city for the PEP officers, including a raise. Of the approximately 100 total PEP officers in the entire city of New York, BPC has more than 40. Why PEP officers are not on site at each and every park within BPC, 24 hours a day, in unclear.

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2 Responses to The crime problem in Teardrop Park worsens

  1. scared of pit bulls says:

    in gateway lobby last weekend there was dog poop all over the walkway leading to elevators out of vision of doorman
    no dog nor owner in site ……….got away
    real nice dog owner !

  2. Amy says:

    Hello- I see that you are concerned about crime in Teardrop Park. I live at The Solaire – facing the park. I frequently see groups of teenagers smoking pot in the secluded area above the slide. It seems like they are Stuy students…Not a great environment for the young kids or my 12 year old daughter). My daughter had her Iphone stolen last week while she was at Rockefeller Park. We were able to track it to the Winter Garden… but no luck. We now see that it is in New Jersey.


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