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September 30, 2020- Opinion by Steven E. Greer
I was sitting at my desk, taking a break, and trying to think of who within the Trump campaign screwed up with his debate preparation. Then, it occurred to me. I know exactly who it was. It was my old buddy Rudy Giuliani.
The Trump strategy was to be aggressive, interruptive, and belligerent in hopes that it would make senile Joe Biden lose his cool. They won that battle. Biden did blurt out “Shut up”, etc., but they lost the debate, overall.
It was reported that Rudy Giuliani and Chris Christie, two blowhard narcissists who also are failed politicians themselves, prepared Trump for the debate. Then, that preparation strategy was leaked before the debate. Leaking stuff like that is the hallmark of attention-seeking, desperate-for-relevance, Rudy Giuliani.
Rudy Giuliani is obsessed with Joe Biden. Recall, Trump got impeached when Rudy Giuliani’s plan to pressure Ukraine to go after Joe Biden backfired. I was noting on Twitter how Rudy was emphasizing Biden and the Ukraine scandal as the debate transpired.
Rudy Giuliani lost his political touch many decades ago. It started when he ran for present and flamed out early. President Trump should know this, but he seems to have a blind spot for loyal stooges. It would be fair to say that most of Trump’s troubles over his presidency were unforced errors caused by bad hires. He is so good at firing people because he is bad at hiring them.
Trump needs to expel Rudy from the White House. One impeachment was enough.
Dr. Steven Greer’s new book “Tony’s Virus” is now available.
I don’t agree that Trump lost debates, but I agree he has been too loyal to bad hires. Then again, he is new to DC and politics.
Mark Meadows taking advice from Tony Perkins to choose Amy Barrett over a Cuban exile Latina beloved in Florida Barbara Logoa seems a dumb politically naive move
I watch Telemundo and Trump won the debate BIGLY with Latina voters! He got Biden to defend Antifa, say he doesn’t support green new deal, brought out Hunter Biden ties to China, The coup, and Logan act vs Flynn, brought out that Biden wants to lock down cities, Antifa killing burning riots
The problem is that Trump had to debate Chris Wallace too, who was cutting off Trump