Howard Hughes Unveils South Street Seaport Proposal

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shop_south-street-seaport_aerialNovember 24, 2014- Observer reports, ““Unfortunately, it’s clear that the Howard Hughes Corp. has not fully considered all of the guidelines put forth by the Seaport Working Group,” said Council Member Chin, who represents the district, to the Journal. “I can’t support the proposed tower in its current form, and I can’t support the development proposal overall in its current form.”…But Mayor Bill de Blasio, known for his populist agenda, has no qualms about the tower situated next to the Seaport. Last week, Mr. de Blasio said at a press conference at the Spruce Street School, “I don’t have any philosophical prohibition in my mind about putting a tower next to a historical district.””

The new Greer middle school at the Seaport

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