I see no reason to use YouTube again

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March 4, 2022- by Steven E. Greer

YouTube censored this video of Governor DeSantis telling kids they do not need to wear masks. They removed my uploaded video claiming it was “misinformation”. That made me do something I should have done long ago. I searched for a WordPress Rumble plugin to let me easily embed Rumble videos. It works well. Now, I see no reason to ever use YouTube again.

I also rarely use Google as a search engine. DuckDuckGo works as well for most situations. It is actually far better because it does not censor. Many times I have caught YouTube censoring search results when DuckDuckGo made the item appear first on the results.

YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, etc. are all killing themselves. People are looking for alternatives.

Facebook earnings were terrible and that stock value has already tanked. Jack Dorsey of Twitter was not spineless enough and was ousted. Google and YouTube are scaring away users.

The communists pressuring these companies to censor are eating their own.

Rumble seems to be getting good funding and is poised to become a legitimate competitor to YouTube. Trump’s social media company Truth should blow away Twitter if his team is not incompetent. Stay tuned.

April 26, 2022- CNBC: Google Alphabet reports weak earnings and revenue on big YouTube miss

May 17, 2022- This video below was recently censored and removed by Google! So, here it is again via Rumble.

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