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January 26, 2024- by Steven E. Greer, MD
I was listening to music last night when I had a random thought. I chuckled to myself at the absurdly high level of care that I give to my medical patients.
Exhibit A: My real estate agent friend recently had a hand infection. He would have ignored it if it were not for me, which would have led to impaired finger function, at the least. When he went to the local ER, I went with him. No doctor would do that in this era of the “hospitalist”. Then, I was using telemedicine to get feedback on the proper way to treat the infection from the best hand surgeon in the country who was in California.
Exhibit B: A neighbor lady has a husband with a mystery brain illness. Their neurologist is with the University of Miami Health System. They needed a brain imaging study but could not get an appointment fast enough before they left the state. Well, I used to be friends with the CEO of “U Health”, but he is no longer there. So, I quickly made a new relationship with the current CEO, and the head of their concierge program called me. My neighbor got the brain study. Boom. That’s how Dr. Greer works.
Exhibit C: During the height of the COVID pandemic, when all hospitals were committing atrocities and turning away sick people, I directly saved numerous lives by calling medical directors and getting the patients admitted for care (when IV antibodies were still effective). One of them wrote this Op-Ed about it. I also drafted many vaccine exemption letters for people all over the country, which worked.
I could go on an on about all of the great things I have done. But you get the point.
So, why do I say that I “suck” at being a doctor? The grand total of revenue that I have earned from all of those patients is $0.
I actually lose quite a bit each year. I am renewing my Florinda license and malpractice insurance now. I considered just retiring. If anyone wants to donate to the “Greer MD License Charity”, please send me the cash. It’s tax deductible for you.
I have also failed to get a clinic started that I have wanted to do for years. I am an utter failure as a professional money-earning doctor.
While I might suck at medicine financially, I have made money the old-fashioned way. I steal it from Wall Street suckers on the other side of trades.