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December 4, 2013- Perhaps one of the dumbest stories to make it to the mainstream press is this idiotic notion that the WTC makes a ghostly “wailing” sound in the wind. The NY Post reports, “Neighbors living near the World Trade Center site are unnerved by a horror movie-like “wailing” sound that echoes mysteriously from the new tower on windy days. “It almost sounds like a Gregorian chant — it will hold a single note. It’s a very spooky wailing,” neighbor Kenny Cummings, who taped the noise, told The Post.”
Update December 4, 2013- The real estate blog that first posted the insensitive classless video is now simultaneously distancing himself from the story, while expressing anger that the NY Post did not mention him for using someone else’s content. Eric Torkells wrote, “The New York Post acted like it learned of the wailing of One World Trade Center all by itself. Look, I know as well as anyone that it’s folly to wait around to be credited, but a reporter from the Post actually called me to talk about the sound, and when I wouldn’t make the 9/11 allusion she was looking for, I put her in touch with Kenny Cummings, who shot the video. (He wouldn’t do the 9/11 thing either.) If you’re going to use me to get to a quote, the least you can do is mention my website. All in all, it was what we in the publishing industry call a dick move. P.S. The video on YouTube now has more than 400,000 views. Viral, baby!”
Note to Mr. Torkell’s: try creating your own content first. Then, you can express outrage when you get no credit. Aggregating content made by others does not give you any rights to it. Oh, by the way, you most certainly did make the inference to the creepiness of the sound and the history of death at Ground Zero. Otherwise, this is not a story and just a bad video of wind.
Below is the unimpressive stupid video that sounds like normal evening noise. Shame on the NY Post for making this viral.
Ouch! It’s not unlike much of Lower Manhattan isnt built atop 9/11, African and Native American grave sites so this isnt the most ridiculous or “dumbest” thing Ive read or heard for that matter but the language in this piece used to describe those claiming to have heard this alleged wailing is close and insensitive to say the least.
I agree, and that is why I used the pejorative “idiot”. This is incomprehensibly insensitive and stupid.