Chairman/CEO of BPCA might be next to leave

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November 22, 2013- By Steven E. Greer, MD

Sources close the the Battery Park City Authority (BPCA) have told us that the Chairman and CEO of the authority, Dennis Mehiel, could be departing soon. We have no further information at this time. Stay tuned.

Exclusive: BPCA’s Anne Fenton and Matt Monahan gone

Exclusive: Mehiel’s BPCA administration hires a record 18 staff in one year

Exclusive: BPCA President Demitrios Boutris resigns amidst internal investigation

Exclusive: Inspector General of Homeland Security investigates BPCA

NY Post covers BatteryPark.TV story about the FEMA investigation into BPCA

Woman files complaint against BPCA board member Fernando Mateo

BPCA board member Fernando Mateo draws ire of Inwood residents

Martha Gallo, person who oversaw JPMorgan problems, still on BPCA board

Exclusive: President/CEO of BPCA Gayle Horwitz resigns

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