Is the WTC Apple store moving to Brookfield Place instead?

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Brookfield Place Apple store hintUpdate December 21, 2015- This video monitor board still has the mysterious Apple logo on it, indicating to me, at least, that this is not a mistake. It seems to be a hint.

Recall, the real estate folks routinely promise or promote new tenants even when the deals are not fully completed. For Brookfield to be in discussion with Apple and to place this suggestive display would be consistent with their past behavior.

However, this could simply be someone’s screensaver being displayed by accident as they take the week off for the holidays. Stay tuned.

December 19, 2015- by Steven E. Greer

As the Port Authority bungles the Westfield retail center under the Oculus with more delays, the Apple Store that was supposed to go in over there is now up in the air. Meanwhile, I spotted this very peculiar sign in Brookfield Place?

I am interpreting this as a hint that Apple will move into Brookfield and take the long chunk of retail that would be visible to WTC tourists from the highway, north of Zegna.

Stay tuned.

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4 Responses to Is the WTC Apple store moving to Brookfield Place instead?

  1. RattlerDeac says:

    I thought the same thing….then realized this was someone projecting from their Mac and what you are seeing is their screen saver.

  2. Editor says:

    I like my theory better

  3. Joe Rossignol says:

    Good afternoon,

    We received an anonymous tip this morning claiming that Apple is confirmed to open a store here based on a recent hiring event.

    Have you been able to uncover any new details to support that?


  4. Editor says:

    the Apple store is going forward in the Oculus, not Brookfield

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