It’s a bubble: 16-yo day trader says Twitter valuation does not matter

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S&P 500December 30, 2013- It’s official. The gold standard definition of a stock bubble has been met. The NYT reports, “Max Ganik has no doubts that Twitter’s stock — up 145 percent since it first began trading on Nov. 7 — is firmly in bubble territory. “But that doesn’t mean it’s going to stop going up,” said Mr. Ganik, 16, a junior at a high school in Scarsdale, N.Y., who doubled his money by lunchtime on Thursday trading Twitter stock options, and planned to dive back in on Monday. “Traders are going to drive up the price. The valuation doesn’t actually matter at this point.””

BatteryPark.TV has repeatedly cautioned that the stock markets are enjoying a Ben Bernanke fed bubble. Run for the hills when you see Twitter valued at $40 Billion.

How to protect your 401K in this market bubble

It’s a bubble, folks

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