Legal CYA paperwork on every child-group-event is smothering parents

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May 7, 2016- by Steven E. Greer, MD

Out of the blue, two different friends of mine with kids have complained to me about the onerous medical files and legal papers that have to be submitted for any type of group child event; whether it be a field trip, sports team, or even just a play date.

Now, the Post reports, “That was the very polite e-mail from the nurse at my pediatrician’s office, accommodating what is probably my seventh request this month for physical forms, immunization forms, prescription forms and even nonprescription medication forms so my three children can go to camp this summer. At least she is getting compensated to do all this. Me? I’m paying for the privilege.

All I want from Mother’s Day is an end to the paperwork.

Fat chance. And I can tell that I’m not the only one feeling the pain. Someone tweeted the other day that “80% of parenting is filling out forms so other people can take care of your children.”

My evenings are supposed to be filled with cleaning up the kitchen, catching up on work and maybe the occasional “Downton Abbey” episode. Instead, I am taking pictures of my insurance card (front and back) and then uploading the picture (medium resolution, please). And then I am typing in all the information on the card anyway — just in case it doesn’t come through.

I am entering numbers for three different emergency contacts, answering questions about whether my children can be expected to behave in an “age-appropriate” manner. And I am signing forms authorizing nurses to administer Tylenol or Benadryl. Where’s the form saying it’s OK for them to use Band-Aids?”

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