Letter: Secondhand pot smoke plagues Gateway Plaza

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POT-SMOKING-KIDFebruary 14, 2014

Dear Editor,

Gateway not only has a problem with electricity,  but it is becoming a POT den. This is not a Friday night thing. It is every night…very Heavy pot from 6pm -12, so strong that if you inhale, you will be high.

It’s seeping through the walls and my children’s clothes are stinking with pot.  My 3-year-old keeps asking what the smell is. This cannot be good for children or adults.

A lot of residents are complaining but nothing has been done. It’s too cold to air our apartment out every night, with the electricity being so expensive.

It is somewhat surprising that, with the police commissioner living here, one could be so brazen…last time I checked this wasn’t Colorado.


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One Response to Letter: Secondhand pot smoke plagues Gateway Plaza

  1. I have been a tenant at Gateway exactly one year this weekend. I am not rent stabilized, but rather in a market rate tenant in a one bedroom “renovated apartment.”

    I refer to my apartment as my expensive tenement. The litany of problems with my apartment commenced on day 1 when I had NO HEAT at all and was forced to stay at the FEMA hotel I still had left for 2 days until the holiday weekend was over and this issue was addressed.

    In the 1 year, my living room unit was replaced 3 or 4 times. The bedroom unit is still the old version with neither of them operating correctly. I have detailed to management all of the problems and have been met with “that’s the way it works” to Rosanne’s telling me that I should have known to use a screw driver to turn off the heating unit if it had no dial.

    I have called 311 and HPD many times. FINALLY.. just a few days ago, they arrived at night to document the heating situation, and YES, they found violations…2, I’m told.

    The lovely gentlemen had no idea that this heating condition was systemic throughout the complex.

    So, more of you should contact them. Apparently, though management tells me the unit blowing cold air is fine “that’s how these units work” is not okay with HPD.

    In retaliation for my complaints, of course my expensive tenament’s lease was not renewed, but fortunately, there is a legal remedy for that. Having lost my Long Beach home and possessions due to SANDY moving to this place with the morally reprehensible lying management and brokers was enough. I agree with James posting and am utilizing all legal remedies.

    New tenant…BEWARE….Amy…non rent controlled no..I did not have one of those “new energy efficient models.” After my first 2 nights I wrote to the president of the tenants association and he managed to get them to give me one…but that did nothing but blow cold air. It takes some work, but HPD finally came through.

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