Local food cart rips off tourist near Ground Zero charging $30 for hot dog

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May 20, 2015- BatteryPark.TV has been on the vanguard of doing something about the parasitic hot dog vendors that popped up after the 9/11 Memorial opened and never seem to leave. They trigger the classic “broken windows” sequelae, starting with town cars that loiter by them, then the trash piles up, and so on. Nearby, at Vesey and West Street, a small shanty town of the vendors has grown, and the trash is out of control.

Trash at Vesey and WestFruit smoothie and hot dog on Vesey 4-18-2015

The bleeding hearts argue that these vendors are just hard-working immigrants who need to make a living too. However, we have pointed out that most of them have long criminal records and are recidivists. For example, the fruit stand guy at Albany and South End has been arrested 40 times. Also, the fruit smoothie guys on Vesey by El Vez have been arrested at that location twice within the last 12-months, and just come right back.

In the news today is a story about the hot dog guy at Albany and Greenwich, Ahmed Mohammed, who preys upon non-English-speaking tourists. He charges $30 for a hot dog. The full story is here.

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