Milstein ignores picketing animal rights activists outside his Park Avenue pad

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August 20, 2015- The Real Deal reports, ““Depriving chimps of food and water; Howard P. Milstein, primate slaughter!” they chanted outside 888 Park Avenue. Though the developer was nowhere to be found, the message was clear — no more monkey business.

Animal rights activists on Thursday night picketed outside the Upper East Side home of the Milstein Properties head, with around two dozen people protesting the New York Blood Center chair’s role in the organization’s treatment of research chimpanzees in Africa.

The protesters, organized by animal rights movement Their Turn, have fumed over New York Blood Center’s decision to withdraw funds that provided care to 66 chimpanzees used for research at the blood bank’s former biomedical facility in Liberia.

The New York Blood Center issued a statement claiming that it doesn’t own the 66 chimpanzees and never has.

Milstein, who was also targeted by Occupy Wall Street protesters in 2011, did not respond to a request for comment.”

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