No activity in the new “sailing school”

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Offshore sailing school no activityJuly 1, 2015- By Steven E. Greer

The new “sailing school” that has supposedly replaced Mike Fortenbaugh’s is getting little action. Every time we walk by, the Offshore Sailing School boats have been docked in the evening when they should be out on the water.

Please send us your observations. Have you ever seen a class underway?

Is all of this intentional? Does Brookfield want the community sailing classes to fail so they can have more room for luxury yachts?

Recall, Brookfield had listed five other sailing class companies to serve as alternatives to Mike Fortenbaugh and they were somehow unable to get any of them? The Colgate’s and their Offshore Sailing were not among the five alternates listed in Brookfield’s RFP application.

Also indicative that Brookfield and the Colgate’s are not trying too hard to run a proper school in this marina is that they advertise in a local blog for their Pier-25 boats, but not for North Cove Marina. The ad states, “Offshore Sailing School offers discounted sailing lessons on Fridays: Starting June 26, the Offshore Sailing School is offering discounted sailing lessons on “Freedom Fridays” at the its outpost at Pier 25 in Tribeca. The sailing lessons from 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. will cost $125 per person, discounted from the usual price of $225.

Are they even offering adult sailing classes at all from the North Cove? At the CB1 meeting, the Colgate’s mentioned that the classes would all be for children this year. Why? However, on the Offshore website, they do offer adult “memberships” starting at $2,150, which is far greater than what Fortenbaugh’s Manhattan Sailing Club charged.

Exclusive: Brookfield wanted to keep Fortenbaugh’s sailing school but BPCA did not allow it

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4 Responses to No activity in the new “sailing school”

  1. Callahan says:

    massive FAILURE

  2. MD says:

    Dear Dr. Greer,

    I enjoy receiving your reports – you do a great job –

    Many thanks for your efforts.


  3. kdlibny says:

    Hi Steve… First off thanks for reviewing this. Also isn’t there another Shakespeare

    Group further South near the Battery doing a play this summer also? And I am

    sure I agree with your review. However, your opening comment that Shakespeare

    not done well in Park…not totally true.. Lear last year in Central Park excellent

    except for Annete Beneing …all else fine… Thank you for doing all of this. kd

  4. Editor says:

    That group never rounded up the money so the The Battery performance is a no go

    It would have been more of a proper performance with a stage and sound

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