Not since 1776 have we been here

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November 6, 2024- by Steven Greer

It is 5:00 AM. I woke up expecting to see three states rigged with fake ballots, but instead Trump has been declared the winner. I cannot believe my eyes.

This country is in a similar position as back in 1776. Then, it was crystal clear what the tyranny was and everyone was unified in fighting for the values that ended up codified in the Bill of Rights. Now, most people know that we just barely escaped a tyrannical coup. This country is unified again like it was in the 1700’s.

We are taking nothing for granted. We now appreciate the First Amendment, etc. in a new way. We appreciate the right to eat real food that we grow and to own farm land. They were trying to take those from us. We appreciate better the right to have honest doctors and control over our bodies. They took those away too after 2020.

We are now going to see the economy rapidly create millions of jobs. We are going to see a genuine reform of the corruption that has controlled Washington DC. The deep state is on the run too. There will be genuine arrests and prosecutions of these treasonous criminals. Big Food and Big Pharma are are going to be reformed. Communism will be purged from schools and universities.

The fallen regions and states of Europe, Canada, Australia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan, and our own East-West Coasts, have just been freed from tyranny. The Fourth Reich is scurrying away injured. The United States saved the World again.

Over the next few months, we are going to see the most satisfying parade of perpetrators being ousted from office. Justin Trudeau, Keir Starmer, Jean-Michel Frédéric Macron, Klaus Schwab, etc. will suffer bad fates.

Two Jesus-like figures delivered all of this for us: Elon Musk and Donald Trump. What a time to be alive.

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One Response to Not since 1776 have we been here

  1. Glenn Cannon says:


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