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February 3, 2014- DNAinfo reports, “A school crossing guard was struck by a passing cab as she stood on duty outside of Battery Park City’s P.S./I.S. 276 at an intersection that parents and police say is unsafe. “I’m very concerned for the children’s safety,” 1st Precinct Commanding Officer Capt. Brendan Timoney told DNAinfo New York. “Something needs to be done.”
BatteryPark.TV has alerted the First Precinct and DOT of the dangers of the streets in South BPC. The DOT is supposed to be implementing minor changes, but traffic lights have yet to be approved, despite similar problems in North BPC being addressed by traffic lights promptly.
Goldman Sachs and other large corporations near the Murray and North End intersections convinced the BPCA to fund those traffic lights, yet the unsafe streets in South BPC are not even a topic of discussion at BPCA meetings. BPCA board member Martha Gallo lives in South BPCA has not advocated for the 2014 BPCA to spend on traffic lights and street improvements.
Final DOT plans for West Thames and South End Ave approved
PS 276 supports DOT plan for concrete medians
Two condo owners oppose child safety measures for West Thames proposed by DOT