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- BBC NEWS: Ukraine war: Fact-checking Russia’s biological weapons claims
- SNL, the bellwether for the next week of propaganda, tries to distract from Great Reset overreach with vaccine mandates by focusing on Ukraine
- Actor Sean Penn on meeting with Zelensky: “I don’t know if he knew that he was born for this, but it was clear I was in the presence of something. […] This is such an extraordinary moment and I was endlessly impressed and moved by him.” (This is all a CIA PsyOp propaganda production. They spotted him as a useful idiot)
- National Gas Price Average Reaches $4 per Gallon for First Time Since ’08
- Putin’s Kremlin is still allowed to tweet. But not President Trump.
- MIAMI HERALD: Student voices are loud, but Florida Republicans are clear: “Don’t Say Gay” bill passes
- Fox News military propagandist Jennifer Griffin blocked Jack Posobiac for criticized her
- LOS ANGELES TIMES: Ukraine’s army, vastly outgunned, inflicts losses on more powerful Russian forces
- WSJ “Unfounded Russian Claims of Biological Weapons Research in Ukraine Stir Fears of Wider Risk”
- In Ukraine, a People’s Army Includes Rock Stars, TV Hosts and Playwrights
- British journalist goes to Ukraine to find little evidence of real war and nothing but massive efforts to stage fake war scenes for the camera
Scamdemic Related Propaganda
- VOX: We have the best view yet of COVID-19’s origins. What should we do about it?-Taking advantage of this Ukraine war, China is really making advances in Hong Kong. They are also going on the offensive, partnered likely with our own Fauci deep state, to spread this 100% lie about the wet market being the source. That has been debunked by Congress and federal federal reports.
- NPR: Striking new evidence points to seafood market in Wuhan as pandemic origin point (Total China CCP and Fuaci Deep State propaganda)
- CNN: Teens blow off Covid-19 vaccines, sometimes with deadly results
- CBS Morning Show: Pfizer CEO given softball questions about vaccine trials cutting corners and the failed application for 5-year-olds
- FORBES: Most Side Effects From Pfizer, Moderna Covid Shots Are Mild And Short-Lived, Major Study Finds
- FORTUNE: Fauci said U.S. can return to normal when COVID resembles the flu—but COVID deaths are still 10 times higher
- FORTUNE: Even a mild case of COVID can shrink your brain the same as aging 10 years, study shows
- CNN: Health experts warn Florida’s plan to recommend against Covid-19 vaccine for healthy kids is irresponsible
- THE DAILY BEAST: Mask and Vaccine Mandates Are Gone, but COVID Is Still Here
- AXIOS: Axios Vitals: COVID response imperiled
- FORBES: Masking In K-12 Schools Significantly Reduces Covid-19 Among Staff And Students
- PEOPLE: What to Know About Deltacron, the Potential New COVID Variant Combination of Delta and Omicron
- THE ATLANTIC: The Biden Administration Killed America’s Collective Pandemic Approach
- MIAMI HERALD: Mask bullying in schools unlikely to end any time soon, children’s mental health a casualty (The common tactic of turning the truth upside down. Obviously, forcing kids to wear masks is the “bullying”, not the other way around)