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October 30, 2013- The PS 276 school will be hosting a safety Town Hall. In the blast email, they specifically mention the City DOT’s plan to install concrete medias on South End Avenue and West Thames.
First Town Hall Safety Meeting at PS/IS276 November 4th at 8:45am
Our first Town Hall safety meeting with the principals and staff of the school will be Monday November 4th. All parents are welcome. Please email your concerns to the school beforehand to so they can be discussed at the meeting.
FYI – There was a recent announcement by the DOT to install traffic islands on West Thames St. and on South End (at Rector Place and another near Albany). The premise is to provide safer street crossings in the neighborhood and slow down the traffic that flies through Battery Park City. This proposal lacks inclusion of Battery Place near the school. These islands also bring up other safe driving concerns. Please contact CB1 for more information and to ask them to include Battery Place for traffic considerations.
Two condo owners oppose child safety measures for West Thames proposed by DOT
Definitely agree that islands would be good on South End and West Thames, but I don’t think Battery Place is wide enough to put islands in the middle.
Why do so many people think they have the training required to make judgments about traffic safety and specific urban planing street calming measures?