Exclusive: Psychotic man crashes car into Irish Memorial injuring teen

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Update September 5, 2012

As we first reported, the police report now confirms that the car was indeed stolen, and that the man was “high on drugs”. Local news reports that copied BP.TV’s were skeptical of our facts and also failed to acknowledge that they learned of the event from our exclusive reporting.

Our motto…”BP.TV informs”.

August 12, 2012 By Steven Greer, MD

On Sunday, August 12th, at approximately 5:00 PM, a psychotic man driving what appears to have been a stolen rental car crashed into the Irish Memorial causing significant damage to the memorial wall. A teenage boy standing by the wall at the time was struck by the car, injuring his knee. The family of the boy declined hospital care, but was referred to the walk-in emergency clinic on 200 Chambers Street.

According to numerous eyewitnesses, the shirtless man got out of the car after the crash and was talking to himself, acting erratically. He walked to the nearby French bakery cafe and then up the street. The Parks Enforcement Patrol arrived on the scene and handcuffed the man. Nearby NYPD officers stationed on Vesey also appeared and made the arrest.

New York Fire Department EMS crew reported that the man seemed to be “on something”, consistent with acute psychosis triggered by a street drug, possibly a PCP-like synthetic “bath salt”.

The man had no driver’s license and was driving a rental car with New Hampshire plates. Police are investigating whether the car was stolen.

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One Response to Exclusive: Psychotic man crashes car into Irish Memorial injuring teen

  1. Shane says:

    Id like to extend my hand to the PEPs who responded quickly to this incident! Good Job guys, keep up the good work! Dont let people knock you for the bad when there is more good, so cheers to the plenty of good that you guys do for the residents of BPC and NYC!

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