Review: Augustine in the Beekman Hotel

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March 21, 2017- by Steven E. Greer

I had a break in between depositions in my federal case, so I walked to the Beekman. I tried to get lunch at the bar section that is serviced by Fowler and Wells, but the menu was absurdly pretentious. I walked next door to the other restaurant in the hotel called Augustine. This is a Keith McNally restaurant (ala Balthazar, Pastis, and Manetta Tavern).

I was quite pleased with Augustine. It is a small place, so you get extra attention. It has all of the components of the other McNally successful restaurants, such as good bread, good interior design, and good food. The menu is also more approachable than some of these New York places that are getting out of control (e.g. Fowler and Wells, Untitled, Union Square Café, etc.).

If you are doing court business, or flipping for the FBI, or wasting money in City Hall, stop by Augustine. It’s not bad.

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