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December 12, 2023- by Steven E. Greer
Amazon has a new Christmas movie with Eddie Murphy. I have not watched anything related to Christmas yet this year. So, out of boredom, I reluctantly watched it knowing that it would be infused with wokeness.
This was just was a terrible movie from an entertainment standpoint. It jumped the shark with action and lame CGI characters.
I was appalled at some scenes, which were beyond merely “woke”. They were blasphemous.
The plot has an evil elf character (a White actor, of course). She uses Christmas wishes as an opportunity to do bad things to people.
One scene has Eddie Murphy explaining the meaning of Christmas. It had nothing to do with the religious meaning of Christmas. After he explained it, he said, “Or, I could go the religious angle” (i.e., mentioning the birth of Jesus). The evil elf replied, “Jesus Christ. No.”
Another arc involves Eddie’s high school son who is failing math because he only wants to make electronic music and practice dance moves. The film depicts the white math teacher as the problem.
Eddie’s wife is a hard-working manager at a warehouse (depicting Amazon warehouses as great places to work). She can’t get promoted because the white mangers are too strict (evoking slave masters).
Then, this film used a black actor for Santa Claus black and made a point to say that he was a “Black Santa”. Normally, I would not have a problem with that. Santa Claus is a commercialized invention of the 20th century. Black kids should be able to have their own version of it.
However, in this case, I took offense because it was clearly part of the same DEI propaganda washing that has the Harvard president in trouble. This was a holiday movie intended for Black audiences, and they are clearly brainwashing Blacks to hate Whites.
This is why we see horrible black-on-white violence perpetrated by young kids. Daily, a new video on social media depicts gangs of Black teens beating a lone White kid nearly to death. This behavior is coming straight from high school DEI indoctrination by communist teachers.
It is so easy to stoke hate and racial division. The communists have used this tactic for more than 100-years.
It was sad to see Eddie Murphy in this DEI propaganda film. He might not have had control over the final production. Eddie has numerous white wives. He certainly cannot be a true believer in DEI.
Santa Claus is actually not a commercialized invention. He’s actually a real (was) Saint who did good deeds. He was white. St. Nicholas. And they even said “the oppressor putting her foot on the backs…..when Peppermint stopped their car with her foot. This movie was extremely racist against whites. I have always loved Eddie Murphy. What a disappointment and a shame.