Review: Inatteso pizza is the best in the hood

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Inatteso close lowDecember 12, 2014- By Steven E. Greer

The next stop for the BatteryPark.TV tour of Downtown pizza is Inatteso in South BPC. They have round and square pizzas. I ordered the $27 square pie, which was delivered promptly, and they accept credit cards (unlike Lombardi’s).

This is the best pizza that I have tried yet. It had a great flavor, like Lombardi’s, but with much more cheese than the others. Lots of cheese is the American style of making pizza (and news flash, pizza is an American invention. WW2 soldiers brought the obscure idea home and popularized it. If you want toast with a dab of cheese, go to Sicily).Inatteso top lowInatteso angle low

After only three pieces, I was full. In contrast, I ate the entire pizza from Lombardi’s, Marta, and Papa John’s, and was still hungry, because their pizzas are so skimpy.

I personally do not like pizza crust, so I ordered the square version from Inatteso where the toppings go to the edge. The slices are more rigid cut in squares, so one does not need to do that grotesque folding thing that floppy New York pizza often requires.

Inatteso is a good example of how hard it is to run a nice restaurant. All it takes is one bad experience to scare away a customer. I have not eaten there in years after I had a bad experience with a belligerent waitress once. They might be off probation now.

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2 Responses to Review: Inatteso pizza is the best in the hood

  1. JJ says:

    wow , that looks great …. it’s only 10:00am , and I could have a slice with my coffee this morning

  2. Rob says:

    It’s a shame that you don’t go there more often, because their brunch owns too.

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