Robert De Niro is an idiot and they should stop calling it the “Tribeca” Film Festival

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March 26, 2016- by Steven E. Greer, MD

Robert De Niro and his long-since-failed “Tribeca” Film Festival are making news for allowing a controversial film about vaccines and autism to be screened. The movie was directed by disgraced quack Andrew Wakefield: The doctor who published a fraudulent report in Lancet, which was later retracted, that claimed vaccines cause autism.

De Niro explained that he personally wants the film, called “Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Controversy”, to be in the festival this year. He alluded to the fact that he has an autistic or “special needs” child.

Well, no one has ever accused Robert De Niro of being an intellect. That is for sure, and he is living up to that reputation. His suspicion of vaccines is unwarranted, and he should look in the mirror, instead.

What is well known to cause autism is the sperm of older men. Mr. De Niro was 54 when he fathered his child. However, more than likely, neither vaccines nor his age contributed.

Moreover, as I have written year after year, this “Tribeca” Film Festival failed in Tribeca many years ago and was forced to relocate to Midtown. The only vestigial remnant of it is in Battery Park. Tribecans should demand that the name Tribeca be dropped. It conveys a sense of wealth and class that no longer is associated with the “festival”.

Regarding the controversy, there are legitimate criticisms of the current CDC guidelines for vaccines. The CDC staffers often have financial conflicts of interest with the vaccine makers. The Inspector General for the HSS issued a report that concluded, “For almost all special Government employees, CDC did not ensure that financial disclosure forms were complete in 2007. CDC did not identify or resolve potential conflicts of interest for 64 percent of special Government employees in 2007.” In addition, credible critics claim that there are too many vaccines given all at once, and that those vaccines contain neurotoxins, such as thermerosal (i.e. mercury).

However, it is woefully inappropriate for a public figure like De Niro to be giving credibility to a proven fraud, Dr. Wakefield.

Responsible people might express their disapproval of De Niro’s actions by boycotting his Nobu restaurants. There could be more mercury and radioactive material from Fukushima in his overpriced sushi than there is in vaccines. Test it.

Update March 27, 2016- Less than 24-hours after our story, this film has been pulled from the lineup. It was our story that got the heads of national news and deans of major medical centers to take notice.

Update February 18, 2017- Robert de Niro is at it again. The Post reports, “Robert De Niro still can’t fully support vaccination. “Where is the science?” he asked in an interview.”

Update December 9, 2018- The cold open of SNL feature De Niro as Mueller. He was atrocious. He screwed up almost all of his lines. The audience was cringing. It was so bad that even liberals turned on him.

This man is too stupid to get a short skit correct, yet he represents the A-list of Hollywood.

Update February 9, 2019- by Steven E. Greer, MD

As a direct result of vocal celebrities, such as De Niro, so many parents have opted out of vaccinations that a measles epidemic is exploding on the West Cost. He has blood on his hands.

Update April 26, 2019- by Steven E. Greer, MD

As a direct result of vocal celebrities, such as De Niro, so many parents have opted out of vaccinations that a measles epidemic is exploding in Brooklyn and now Los Angeles. He has blood on his hands.

Robert De Niro is as dumb as a rock. He cannot even read lines written on cards for short SNL cold openings. These are the uneducated morons in Hollywood who think that they should be taken seriously when it comes to matters on climate, politics, and war. They are nothing but narcissistic, self-loathing, American-hating, communists. Almost all of them have miserable personal lives too.

Update August 8, 2019- The Murdochs bought the Tribeca Film Festival. Recall, they had already sold most of the shares to another company years ago to salvage this sinking ship.

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One Response to Robert De Niro is an idiot and they should stop calling it the “Tribeca” Film Festival

  1. Chester says:

    A friend used to deal with a lot of tribeca restaurants and small delis etc
    The owners fumed that DeNiro was held up as Mr Tribeca….
    Told friend that DeNiro would threaten to sue anyone who used Tribeca on menu or in name
    Said he would have lawyers call up and bully
    They didn’t understand as they were in Tribeca but said they couldn’t fight in litigation bc would cost too much

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