
This post has been read 4685 times!

Shark full topUpdate June 26, 2015- The Post is making a big deal out of the story of a BPC esplanade fisherman catching a small shark. It’s the same thing as what we have reported on previously.

November 22, 2009- There are sharks in Battery Park City, literally and metaphorically. An angler on the esplanade caught this small sand shark on Sunday. The fisherman spoke only Chinese and we were unable to get his name or any information.

Shark full rightShark eyeThe fisherman

Shark fisherman

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3 Responses to Shark!

  1. Michael says:

    Ya know, they’re kind of endangered, and this one is an infant.

  2. Mike says:

    That’s as big as that species gets and the atlantic is CRAWLING with them.

  3. l claire says:

    I hope the fisherman tossed it back in after the pix!

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