State Senator Squadron demands BPCA open ballfields

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January 11, 2013

State Senator Daniel Squadron issued an email statement demanding that the BPCA get the ballfields ready for the spring Little League season (see below). This follows a similar statement from Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver. However, over the last two years, there has been no outrage from either politicians that the much more important $60 Million Asphalt Green community center be opened. Bob Townley’s nearby Manhattan Youth community center, which has enjoyed a monopoly in the child care arena for decades, has worked closely with both politicians.

For Immediate Release: January 11, 2013

Contact: Amy Spitalnick,


NEW YORK — Today, State Senator Daniel Squadron released the following statement on the Battery Park City ball fields, which were damaged during Hurricane Sandy:

“With little league season only a few months away, work has not begun to repair the Battery Park City ball fields.

“Let’s be clear: it is absolutely vital that the BPCA figures out how to get work started on the fields by the beginning of next month – period.

“And the Authority must allow work and process to proceed in the fastest possible way, with the goal of opening the fields in time for the 2013 Downtown Little League season. That may mean utilizing a temporary option that would make the fields available for this season.

“While I’m pleased that BPCA agreed to release the RFP today, the time frame raises concerns.

“Our families rely on little league and these fields to provide much needed exercise and open space. The Authority must to do everything possible to get the ball fields open by the beginning of the season.”

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