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January 6, 2024- by Steven E. Greer
Today is the anniversary of the “January 6th” hoax perpetrated by by shadow forces that rigged the 2020 election and staged a coup against President Trump. That is not controversial to say now, but it sure was back in June of 2020 when I was the first one in media to say it.
I was reviewing some old files and listened to my June 3, 2020 appearance on the Joe Piscopo show (audio here). I had forgotten I said this.
DR. GREER: Oh, it-it, uh, it’s gonna get . . . and this is an epic, bad thing that has happened. Bad decisions, uh, either by stupidity or design, and, uh, as-as the years go by we’re gonna look back on this as one of the darkest chapters in the entire nation. Uh, this is literally, uh . . . I was the first person to say this—I felt like Tucker Carlson using it last night—is people are saying, “this is a revolution.” Literally, not a metaphor. This is . . . every time there is hardships, the communism, uh, revolution sweeps in. It’s happened time after time since the Bolshevik in 917. And so, in this case you have high unemployment from the house arrest—perfect storm—high unemployment, people are angry, uh, they’re all clustered in their houses, mental illness is on the rise, and then, uh, this spark sets it off with George Floyd, and then the, uh, the people in their ivory towers say, “hey, uh, this might be a way to get rid of Trump, and, uh, create a revolution,” and that-that’s what we’re seeing.
JOE PISCOPO: How come people don’t see it? You know, you wrote the book, by the way,
Rules to Stop Radicals. I mean, um, how-how can you stop these people that are trying to do this and how do you enlighten the general public to see that—to your point when you originally, uh, started chatting with us this morning—it’s by design? This whole thing is by design. Correct?
DR. GREER: Yes, absolutely. In this case . . . I’ve given this advice to
White House is, find who’s funding it—they’re all organized—cut the money off, it’s gonna be George Soros and people like that, Tom Steyer, cut the money off. Then, you’ve gotta get a DOJ, an Attorney General willing to do something, and you’ve gotta get an Attorney General to go in there and start making arrests when they find, ANTIFA organizers sending out black females telling people to show up and bring the Molotov cocktails. If you start arresting the types of ANTIFA and even going to George Soros’ office, he’ll stop it. You don’t even have to make a bunch of arrests on the ground, and, um, and that’s-that’s the key there, is-is this is organized. Cut it off, you know, at the head.
JOE PISCOPO: Yeah. Yeah. Why is it easier to-to impeach a president than to oust a bad
governor or a mayor, correct?
DR. GREER: That’s right. That’s right, yeah. That’s a little essay I wrote there, and it
occurred to me, I was like, “wait a second. They easily got President Trump impeached for
literally doing nothing, and we can’t get a mayor who has 0.1% approval rating ousted?” And, son of a gun, it’s happening-it’s happening, Governor Cuomo and Rudy Giuliani are calling for it, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it happened because if you’re Cuomo and you’re politically calculating, that would be highly popular for Governor Cuomo to get rid of, uh, DeBlasio. So don’t be surprised to see that happen.