Survey: The new Equinox gym

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Equinox entrance 1-11-2015February 24, 2015- Equinox gym has been open for about a week. What do you think of it.

Take our painless survey by clicking here.

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6 Responses to Survey: The new Equinox gym

  1. Survey comment 1 says:

    yoga classes too crowded, only one studio, limited schedule, need more classes and to add late evening classes, need different level yoga, better teachers

  2. Editor says:

    To Survey Comment 1

    I tend to agree. I was amazed at the large number of people in the yoga class I saw tonight.

  3. Survey response 2 says:

    with my corporate discount, I pay $130, it would be ok if they had better classes

  4. Survey response 3 says:

    Great Equifit introductory session

  5. Survey response 3 says:

    I have no trouble affording it. Equinox has the cleanest and best maintained gyms in the city, and there’s a lot included if you choose to use it

  6. Survey response 5 says:

    worst of all the equinoxes i have been to.

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