“Thank you for your help. Will be a good day for the community when that stretch becomes safer…You move mountains.” – Danny Meyer, restaurateur, referring to our help getting the traffic lights installed on North End Ave and Murray Streets
“As a result of your reporting regarding Gateway’s extensive heat problems in their complex…specifically the 311 lawsuit, we managed to do what could not be done since their original settlement of their Federal lawsuit in the 1980’s, provide heat to their tenants. Your detailing the lawsuit which resulted in their being fined, the class action lawsuit utilized that information to go forward in their pursuit of both repairs, compensation and punishment for Gateways egregious conduct. Of course, we know, that all the heaters in 1700 apartments were suddenly repaired just after your reporting of that lawsuit. In my particular instance, the very first day you published something on my action, Gateway was a concerned mess. You have been a valuable addition to the community and to those who seek justice. May you continue your good works.” Betty Kay, Gateway Plaza resident
“Love your work, Steve. Truly original work you publish.” JC Barker
“Steve – you do an amazing job – and we love reading BPTV, even though I no longer live in the city. Miss your very original commentary on all things politics, markets, downtown, restaurants and technology — and hope you come back and keep em on their toes!”- JC Barker
Run for mayor! – Duke Cameron, MD, Cardiac Surgeon-in-Charge, The Johns Hopkins Hospital
“Amazing Journalism (and I went to Northwestern for journalism) – the George’s diner film you did gets an A grade from me (but remember I’ll be back in a few days with another possible grade).” – Tom Goodkind, Community Board 1 member
“Greetings; As an owner of a condo in BPC, we welcome Dr. Greer’s excellent coverage of NYC. The “batterypark.tv” shows us what is going on in the neighborhood, spotlights problems, and highlights good things. Bravo!” – Suzanne Temple
We hear great feedback from the community on the segments you do…Thanks so much for all you do to cover so many important community issues. – Julie Menin (former Community Board 1 Chair)
Thanks for all the good work you do. – Michael Dattoma, President, The Bart Group Retail Merchant Services Office
Hi Steve, I have been reading BatteryPark.tv for last few months and I really appreciate the work you are doing. It is great service to the community and I really like it. – Sumeet Singal
Thanks so much for doing the interview!! We are getting great comments on it. Best, Julie Menin (Community Board 1 Chair)
Thank you. BPTV does an extraordinary job. – Joachim Pissarro Bershad Professor of Art History, and Director of the Hunter College Art Galleries Hunter College/CUNY
Groundbreaking commentary. Thanks! (In response to Op-Ed “The MTA needs to be shut down and privatized” – Suzanne Temple
Truly appreciated the accurate and objective storm reporting before, during, and after hurricane Sandy. As a BPC residents for 15+ years, this is the first time that BPC became the place people from other areas of Manhattan are getting help. – Cici Hu
Nice work! – Michael Fortenbaugh, Commodore of North Cove Marina, commenting on various videos and photos of the sailing ships
Thanks to this website something is being done by Gateway which will benefit all in BPC, and be a model for other building managers to follow. – John Hunye, referring to the dog sewer problems
BPTV rocks!!!! We need to change BPTV to “faster than a speeding bullet ” with how quick and persistent coverage within downtown benefits all of us. Without BPTV , we would be lost and forced to be informed by the rag publications . Real stories -//real people—/all covered extremely well by bptv . Great job as always….! –Adam (BPC resident)
Just checked out your site. It’s off the hook fantastic. Your moving and shaking on this – Dennis Corpora, Owner, World Optical
I am a long time resident of BPC …I cannot tell you how much I enjoy this site….it is informative, responsible and current…..thanks and keep up the good work – Fran Miller
That was a great piece. Keep up the good work. Oh, and when is the lawn going to open? – Michael (BPC resident) Commenting on our coverage of the West Thames park grass field