The first communist-rigged Super Bowl achieves “equity”

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January 30, 2023- by Steven E. Greer

I am a Bengals fan and watched the AFC championship game last night by myself. Without anyone else to give me feedback, it sure felt like the referees were rigging the game against us. Today, I see that social media is abuzz with #RiggedSuperBowl. Some of the tweets have been:

  • Player of the game #NFLrigged #NFCChampionship
  • NFL Rigged
  • Game Respect Game
  • Congratulations to Ron Torbert on becoming the 1st referee to ever win AFC Championship Game MVP
  • The same Ron Torbet led officiating crew that hosed the Bengals tonight also made this call against the Bengals late in last year’s Super Bowl. #RuleThePlayoffs
  • Roger Goodell on his way to tell the refs to call a timeout so the Chiefs can get a 12th down
  • Give ‘em an extra down. Enough with this Burrowhead crap.
  • Joe Burrow and Bengals got hosed by the refs. #NFLRigged
  • Two angles from the last play of the game. The refs completely ignore this very blatant hold of Trey Hendrickson, but they do call a late hit on the #Bengals when Mahomes clearly flopped after taking a *very* light shove from Ossai. Cincy fans should be furious. #Rigged #WhoDey
  • Frank Clark takes three steps here after Joe Burrow releases the ball. This was as blatant as the Ossai hit and wasn’t called. I hate complaining about officiating. It isn’t fun. But you can’t deny tonight’s crew’s incompetence impacted the game.
  • Huge block in the back missed by NFL rigged refs. Bottom of the screen at the 45. Insane.
  • I genuinely despise the Bengals, but as a Steelers fan my blood is boiling for them. No block in the back here?? I wish referees could just, ya know, do their job. #NFLRigged

Clearly, the game was poorly officiated. There is also ample evidence to show that it was intentional. Why might the NFL have done this?

The NFL was one of the first popular entities to capitulate to the communist movement. The league has so many weaknesses that can be exposed, such as the concussion problem. Commissioner Goodell, who represents vulnerable white male leaders, has been placing pro-BLM propaganda on helmets and fields. They did nothing to stop the anti-American taking-a-knee during the National Anthem, etc.

I think the NFL wanted to please Equity Czars and have two black quarterbacks in the Super Bowl. They have hyped Patrick Mahomes for years as a being a much better quarterback than he really is.

Communists have infiltrated aspects of culture that were thought to be impervious to corruption. Wall Street and the stock markets are now swayed by the WEF’s ESG scam. Media and news were long ago usurped. The NBA, NHL, tennis, and soccer have been corrupted by gambling and marketing making them not much more honest than the WWF. However, football and golf remained two of the few remaining popular culture entities free from rigged outcome, but no longer.

The 2023 Super Bowl will be the first communist rigged game.

February 12, 2023-

Babylon Bee: Super Bowl Refs Hold Pregame Meeting To Decide Which Team Will Win

February 12, 2024-

A year later, and the second rigged Super Bowl is obvious to everyone

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One Response to The first communist-rigged Super Bowl achieves “equity”

  1. Charles CARROLL says:

    Terrible refereeing. I’ve never watched the game so influenced by the referee.

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