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Ministry of Truth Nina Jankowicz singing a Christams gig with cringe factor on high. Listen to these lyrics. She is a psychopath.
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Great Reset Watch:
- I’m fascinated how the Biden administration keeps finding creative ways to get worse. Just when you thought Kamala Harris was the penultimate at likability, they find this person, Nina Jankowicz. She’s more repulsive than Kamala Harris.
- Minister of Truth on ukulele
- Things are getting bad in Ottawa!
- THE WALL STREET JOURNAL: FBI conducted potentially millions of searches of Americans’ data last year, report says
- Nasdaq Collapses To Worst Month Since Lehman As Market Starts Pricing 75bps Hike In June
- “Holy Christ, That’s Bad” – Lake Mead’s Water Intake Pipe Exposed For First-Time- The dust bowl made the Great Depression worse. History repeats.
- NASDAQ down 10% this month of April for the worst fall since 2008
- Atlanta Fed Initial Estimate of Second-Quarter GDP Growth Is 1.9 Percent. Adjusted for inflation, that is negative for the second quarter in a row. Recession it is
- EU Great Reset stooge Christine Lagarde “Old people live too long”
Lockdown and Mandate Watch:
- EU unelected leaders taking off masks after cameras stop….again
- Hundreds Of CDC Employees Still Haven’t Received COVID-19 Vaccine | ZeroHedge
Data front:
Pfizer’s Covid-19 Pill Failed Study Testing Its Preventive Use
Healthcare Business News:
Other News:
- ARK Innovation Fund loses -28.9% In April
- This has been driving me crazy trying to figure out what song KC and the Sunshine Band sounds like. It is “She Drives Me Crazy” by Fine Young Cannibals in 1989
Propaganda and Legacy Media W