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November 28th – December 4th 2022
The biggest story of the week was Elon Musk’s release of internal documents proving that Twitter was censoring the release of the Hunter Biden laptop story right before the 2020 election. Elon tweeted, “Twitter has failed in trust & safety for a very long time and has interfered in elections.” What was learned is that Rudy Giuliani was being illegally monitored by the Feds. They learned that he had the Hunter Biden laptop hard drive. Then, the Feds told Twitter to shut down the NY Post Twitter account to stifle to story. Louisiana AG Landry revealed that their own investigation proved the FBI was telling twitter what to censor. Elon will release more files. He suggested that twitter was involved in the rigged Brazilian elections.
On The Great Reset Watch, U.S. edition, Governor DeSantis in Florida pulled $2 Billion from Blackrock over ESG policies. The crooked DOJ convicted a normal American of “sedition”, which is a first. His crime was sending text messages. A list of new reports about corrupted DOJ/FBI reveals an alarming increase since Obama. CRT is part of the curriculum in 58% of medical schools as monkey pox was renamed Mpox so as to not offend certain people (is check pox offensive?).
On The Great Reset Watch, O.U.S., China’s CCP crackdown on dissidents, using massive concertation camps and tanks, became too politically incorrect for Tim Cook of Apple. The company expedited plans to make their iPhones in India and Pacific Asa. In The Netherlands, the government enacted the plans to steal private farm land like any other communist nation in the past has done.
In Great Depression news, the markets ended November with two-months of gains as all indicators show a massive depression is underway. The Fed will keep terminal rates higher than expected all throughout 2023. The November jobs number of 223,000 seemed to be bogus according to most analysts.
In other news, Hawaii’s Mauna Loa volcano, the largest in the world, erupted. China sent a rocket to their own space station under construction. Ukraine is selling American weapons to places like Venezuela, and USA defeated Iran in the World Cup by a thrilling One to Zero score.
In Sudden Adult Death Syndrome, Fleetwood Mac’s Christine McVie died at aged 79 under circumstances that seem to be unexpected, as did a Virginia congressman. Bill Clinton got the Rona and praised the vaccine anyway, “I’ve tested positive for Covid. I’ve had mild symptoms, but I’m doing fine overall and keeping myself busy at home. I’m grateful to be vaccinated and boosted, which has kept my case mild, and I urge everyone to do the same, especially as we move into the winter months.”
In lockdown news, the totalitarians won’t give up pandemic powers. Teachers union communist Randi Weingarten wants masks back because of RSV? California ruled that mask and vaccine mandates cannot come form local school districts, and Tony Fauci, under deposition, could not list any studies to support the use of masks.
In other crimes against humanity, Canada has fallen to the far-left. It is now expanding euthanasia to infants. Fauci began the process of admitting that the Wuhan Virus leaked from his NIH-funded labs. He then protected China stating that they did not cover it up as a scientist who worked at the Wuhan lab said it leaked from there. Twitter admitted to covering up truthful information on COVID, and New York City will put the homeless into asylums for mental care.
On the data front, a randomized controlled trial showed that N95 masks do not work. Another study showed that screening for fever and symptoms was useless. Lasty, autopsies showed that deaths after gene therapies were likely caused by the “vaccines”.
In healthcare business news, the FDA cancelled Eli Lilly’s (LLY) bebtelovimab infusion to treat COVID. Also, Elon Musk is trying to make a medical device that will be a brain implant called Neuralink.