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January 9, 2018- by Steven E. Greer
The 2017 film “Mother”, starring Javier Bardem and Jennifer Lawrence, with smaller roles by Ed Harris and Michelle Pfeiffer, is supposed to be scary thriller with a deep metaphor to give it gravitas. It failed. It is one long cliché.
The casting is bad. Jennifer Lawrence is not a believable wife to Javier Bardem, who plays a knockoff copycat character to Jack Nicholson’s The Shining character. Ed Harris’ role as a passerby who never leaves is poorly played and written. Michelle Pfeiffer has never looked worse.
The mysterious images and editing do not build suspense. They are just boring.
Writer/Director Darren Aronofsky, a Harvard alumnus, failed miserably in this film. If you thought his films The Wrestler and Black Swan were overrated crap, you will really dislike Mother. But Hollywood has this Harvard connection and they fawn over bad performances by Harvard alumni, such as Matt Damon or Natalie Portman.