The Laughing Man Coffee V60 pour-over

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Update June 2, 2014- A blogger was reporting that the Tribeca store was closed, making seem to some as if the entire chain was closing. All that happened was that the Reade Street location closed. The stores on Duane and in Battery Park are still thriving, laughing all the  way to the bank.

September 1, 2012- Barista Angel Gomez of Laughing Man Coffee demonstrates his V60 pour-over technique for brewing American coffee. Actor Hugh Jackman formed Laughing Man, with business partner David Steingard, and the profits go to charity much like the Paul Newman food products.


1 North End Avenue

(212) 227-3240


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One Response to The Laughing Man Coffee V60 pour-over

  1. David Steingard says:

    We had an errant tweet go out that made it sound like we had closed. Just told the blogger it’s not true.

    Owner, Laughing Man

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