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November 1, 2023- by Steven E. Greer, MD
To quote James Brown, “I feel good.” I salvaged an important medical research project that had gone dormant for almost three-years. It made it into the prime-time last night with Joe Rogan and Elon Musk discussing it.
In January of 2021, a corporate lawyer friend in Manhattan, John Dellaportas, told me that he had actually grown a conscience (a rare thing for lawyers) and wanted to investigate what really happened in New York hospitals during the pandemic. He had overheard doctors admitting that they killed people. I agreed to start a records request process on ventilator deaths and be the plaintiff if it had to go to court. He would handle it pro bono, which was another rarity.
The New York Department of Health refused to comply with the requests seeking records on the number of COVID patient killed by ventilators. However, the opposition lawyer seemed to give us a hint and told us that the New York City hospital agency might have the data. I sent a records request to the NYHCC and got the data.
I proceeded to write up a paper. I recruited a well-published, formerly of Johns Hopkins, doctor to assist me. He and I drafted a manuscript.
Realizing this would be politically polarizing because the data showed that Governor Cuomo and his health commissioner, Howard Zucker, MD, committed either manslaughter or murder (in addition to their nursing home scandals), I also recruited people from the Johns Hopkins’ public health and biostats departments. After several Zoom calls and years of time collaborating with the Johns Hopkins team, it became clear to me that they were stalling the project because of the political implications. So, I had a moment of clarity one night while listening to music and fired them.
The Johns Hopkins people were the reason the paper had gone dormant for two years. They had been wanting me to get more and more data from the city of New York. Every time I did this, the HCC would take a months to deliver (the HCC did a good job), and yet the Hopkins team wanted even more data. I trusted that they knew what they were doing. However, it turns out that they were incompetent, as I will explain.
I then ran across Bobby Kennedy’s Children’s Health Defense (before he became a candidate), not realizing what it was. The head of CHD put me in touch with their so-called scientist. He proceeded to be flagrantly incompetent too and I had to fire him as well.
I then took charge. If you want it done right, you have to do it yourself (I used to be one of the best medical researchers in surgery. My CV proves that.). I went on the Internet and hired a statistician from a Massachusetts medical school. I finally got the work done, having to pay for it out of my own pocket.
I had not been hands-on until this time. I was delegating it all to these so-called experts. Once I started to do the work myself, I realized how shockingly stupid they all were. The data they claimed they wanted was utterly irrelevant.
It goes to show you that having a bunch of titles behind your name means jack squat. Just as having a Harvard Law degree is a disgrace these days, being affiliated with a medical center like Johns Hopkins now, knowing what they did during the pandemic, and are STILL doing now, is not a positive attribute.
I then wrote the entire medical paper myself, having not written one in 20-years. One of the Hopkins-related co-authors had stopped contributing by this time. He openly admitted it was because he was on a committee within the HHS and did not want to offend anyone.
I submitted the manuscript to JAMA because they had published previously, in 2020, two far-inferior papers on ventilator deaths (i.e., just data from one hospital, etc.). They rejected it. I then sent it to The Lancet, which first accepted it for early publication and then rejected it. It was clearly too hot of a potato for them.
At this point, it was obvious to me that the Warp Speed government program was behind the rejections. So, I filed a federal lawsuit with two goals: A) I wanted to get the Lancet into the public domain via a federal exhibit, and B) I wanted to expose this government capture of the peer-review process. The lawsuit has been expedited to the powerful Fifth Circuit now (the same court that upheld Missouri v. Biden).
Meanwhile, with the New York records request lawsuit, my corporate lawyers gave oral arguments in a New York appeals court. I think we should get a hearing, which would allow us to depose Andrew Cuomo, Howard Zucker, etc.
Then, I got the @TheChiefNerd Twitter guy to give The Lancet paper attention. It triggered 136,000 views so far (between his and my tweet.). The Nerd is one of Elon Musk’s pet project sites.
And now, I saw yesterday Elon Musk and Joe Rogan quoting the stats from our ventilator paper on Rogan’s podcast. Of course, I am so far upstream on this that they gave me no credit personally because they don’t even realize I am behind at all.
But that is fine. It is the story of my life. If you do a good deed and stay anonymous, it keeps you pure.