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Update May 5, 2020- Finally, Andy Lack has been ousted.
Update December 13, 2019- The CEO of all of NBC Universal is being ousted.
Update October 9, 2019- Ronan Farrow’s new book exposing how NBC covered up the MattLauer sexual scandals, and buried his story on Harvey Weinstein, is adding pressure to fire Andy Lack. NBC already restructured the senior leaders and a new boss oversees all of NBC TV. So, Lack has a new boss right as he is accused of covering up for an anal-sex rapist.
(Editorial note: The woman accusing Lauer of rape is extorting NBC. She admits that she continued to have sex with him after the alleged anal rape. The #MeToo movement cannot be allowed to criminalize consensual sex.)
November 29, 2018- by Steven E. Greer
As Viewers know, BPTV has been on a maniacal crusade for several years to expose and bring down the extensions of the Deep State who are the heads of the mainstream propaganda TV news. So far, we have succeeded a little bit at CBS with the demise of CEO Les Moonves. But the president of news, David Rhodes, who had a bother at the White House and Deep State connections, sticks around.
Meanwhile, NBC had their own scandals with Matt Lauer and others. The president over there is Andy Lack. He has been accused himself of abusing his power as head of NBC news and pressuring women for sex.
NBC launched a cover-their-ass “investigation” after Matt Lauer was fired but the results were never published. Moreover, the investigation was nothing but a bogus whitewash.
As a result, a former NBC female anchor and others published a full-page ad in the papers demanding that NBC parent company Comcast act. The video above explains the effort.
Recall, the Harvey Weinstein #MeToo story that Ronan Farrow broke had to be published in the New Yorker because Andy lack at NBC spiked the story.
Interestingly, this effort to expose the cowardly corporate schmucks in the C-suite of Comcast is part of our Rules to Stop Radicals.
Rule #4: Cut Off the Corporate Parent Support for the propagandists.