The Reason Ted Cruz has been Pandering to the “Insurrection” and “Terrorist” Crowd

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January 7, 2022- by Steven E. Greer, MD

It has been a mystery to me why Ted Cruz has been pandering to the “January 6th Insurrection” and “Trump supporters are terrorists” crowd. Now, I know why.

Ted Cruz is running in 2024 and wants to use January 6th and this “insurrection” hoax against Trump. Cruz is probably behind this entire 14th amendment nonsense that would make Trump ineligible if he were ruled to be an “insurrectionist”.

This is also why the RINO GOP are so silent and not pushing back against the Pelosi January 6th committee. They are the same people who colluded to rig the 2020 election. Branding Trump as an “insurrectionist” is their best strategy now to stop him.

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