The WEF and CCP have conspired to create massive riots in France

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June 30, 2023- by Steven E. Greer

Over the last week, unrest in France has escalated into full-blown George-Floyd-like race riots seen in the U.S. in 2020. The pretext for the looting and arson was the shooting death of an African immigrant.

Like the U.S. riots, which were organized by the communist BLM organization and condoned by their stooges in government, the French riots are clearly a government effort. The African and Middle East immigrants committing the crimes have black outfits. They somehow are armed.

Macron is not just allowing it all to happen, but he wants the world to know too. He attended an Elton John concert as France was burning.

However, Macron is just a useful idiot of the WEF. Who is really behind the French chaos?

In April, French President Emmanuel Macron met with Xi after months of domestic troubles and anti-Macron protests by millions of French. Last week, a senior leader of the WEF, Bill Gates, met with China’s CCP leader Xi. He was treated with more respect than the U.S. Secretary of State Blinken who also visited. This week, the leader of the Fourth Reich, The WEF’s Klaus Schwab, went to China for an ad hoc meeting to also beg for help from China, but under the guise of a normal “Annual WEF Meeting”.

Schwab met with CCP leaders and made comments, such as, “We can create a New World Order.”, and “We must recognize China as the best superpower in the world.”. He wrapped up the meeting stating that tangible plans had been hatched.

Then, Macron unleashed the race riots. Those were the “plans”. In contrast to the anti-Macron protests, where Macron stifled them with police and military, there were no such forces seen this time. Clearly, Macron was serving up France to the new Axis powers of the CCP and Fourth Reich (The WEF now controls many of the BRIC nations, such as Brazil).

Any totalitarian coup, such as the one unfolding now, requires the target country to be destabilized with chaos and economic destruction. Macron is hoping to save his own neck by turning France into a totalitarian puppet state.

In the bigger picture, the WEF and China are both failing. China’s economy is in a recession and the WEF is losing “young leaders” as they get ousted. In the U.S., their puppet, Joe Biden, is soon to be impeached or prosecuted it seems. That is why the Axis of Evil is growing more desperate.

In the U.S., their Trantifa brown-shirts are trying to make Americans believe that normal people are no longer in control. In France, they are staging lame riots that will result only in strengthening the resistance.

Buckle up. All of this will get worse. The totalitarians crossed the Rubicon long ago. They cannot peacefully go away because they know they will be held accountable.

This Fourth of July, Americans should study their history. Ignorance by the masses has allowed evil to rise.

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